gRAWiDANZA - 7°mese: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": Vrksasana (posizione dell’albero): Asana di equilibrio molto utile per rafforzare schiena e gambe e per imparare a trovare quel punto fermo che esiste dentro noi stessi e che, coltivandolo, ci regalerà “il cuore di un equilibrista” - VideoCorso Yoga Premaman in arrivo. Info & lezione di prova con Shifu Shi Heng Chan 釋恒禅 (Shaolin Temple Italy): //
gRAWiDANCE - 7th month: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": Vrksasana (Tree Position): this Balance Asana is very useful for strengthening back and legs and to learn to find that spot that exists within ourselves and that, cultivating it, will give us the "heart of a balancing". - Yoga Premaman video Course coming soon - Info & trial lesson with Shifu @shihengchan: .........................
#pregnant #pregnancy #pregnancyblog #gravidanza#grawidanza #amore #photooftheday #maternity#yoga #pregnancyyoga #love #mum#mamma #healthy #healthylifestyle#pregnancytips #nature #asana #green #blogger#7monthpregnant #fitmomsofig #fitmom#pregnancyfitness #yogapose #healthypregnancy#active #red
gRAWiDANZA - 7°mese: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": Vasisthasana (posizione dell'asse laterale): Asana molto utile per potenziare braccia, gambe, addome e polsi - VideoCorso Yoga Premaman in arrivo. Info & lezione di prova con Shifu Shi Heng Chan 釋恒禅 (Shaolin Temple Italy): //gRAWiDANZA - 7°mese: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": Tadasana (posizione della montagna): Asana base molto utile per trovare il corretto allineamento del corpo ed iniziare a calmare la mente - VideoCorso Yoga Premaman in arrivo. Info & lezione di prova con Shifu @shihengchan: //
gRAWiDANCE - 7th month: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": Tadasana (MountainPosition): this basic Asana is very useful to find the correct alignment of the body and start to calm the mind - Yoga Premaman video Course coming soon - Info & trial lesson with Shifu @shihengchan: .........................
#pregnant #pregnancy #pregnancyblog #gravidanza#grawidanza #amore #photooftheday #maternity#yoga #pregnancyyoga #love #mum #mamma#yogachallenge #healthy #healthylifestyle#pregnancytips #nature #asana #green #blogger#7monthpregnant #fitmomsofig #fitmom#pregnancyfitness #yogapose #healthypregnancy
gRAWiDANZA - 7°mese: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": Salamba Sarvangasana (posizione della candela): Asana molto utile per rilassare la mente, alleviare lo stress e le forme di depressione lieve, allungare spalle e collo, tonificare gambe e glutei, migliorare la digestione, alleviare la sensazione di stanchezza e attenuare i sintomi dell’insonnia - VideoCorso Yoga Premaman in arrivo. Info & lezione di prova con Shifu @shihengchan: //
gRAWiDANCE - 7th month: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": Salamba Sarvangasana (Candle Position): this Asana is very useful for relaxing the mind, relieving stress and forms of mild depression, stretching shoulders and neck, tingling legs and buttocks, improving digestion, relieving the feeling of fatigue and attenuating the symptoms of insomnia - Yoga Premaman video Course coming soon - Info & trial lesson with Shifu @shihengchan: .........................
#pregnant #pregnancy #pregnancyblog #gravidanza#grawidanza #amore #photooftheday #maternity#yoga #pregnancyyoga #love #mum #mamma#yogachallenge #healthy #healthylifestyle#pregnancytips #nature #asana #green#7monthpregnant #fitmomsofig #fitmom#pregnancyfitness #yogapose #healthypregnancy#active #red
gRAWiDANZA - 7°mese: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": ARDHA-CANDRA ASANA (posizione della mezza luna): Asana molto utile attivare la muscolatura di addome, caviglie e glutei, riduce la sensazione di affaticamento, stress e ansia, migliora la digestione e riduce la stitichezza, riduce il mal di schiena lombare e la sciatalgia- VideoCorso Yoga Premaman in arrivo. Info & lezione di prova con Shifu Shi Heng Chan 釋恒禅 (Shaolin Temple Italy): //
gRAWiDANCE - 7th month: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: "YOGA PREMAMAN": ARDHA-CANDRA ASANA (position of the half moon): this Asana is very useful for activating the muscles of the abdomen, ankles and buttocks, reducing the feeling of fatigue, stress and anxiety, improving digestion and reducing constipation, reducing back pain and lumbar sciatica - Yoga Premaman video Course coming soon - Info & trial lesson with Shifu @shihengchan: .........................
#pregnant #pregnancy #pregnancyblog #gravidanza#grawidanza #amore #photooftheday #maternity#yoga #pregnancyyoga #love #mum #mamma#yogachallenge #healthy #healthylifestyle#pregnancytips #nature #asana #green #7monthpregnant #fitmomsofig #fitmom#pregnancyfitness #yogapose #healthypregnancy#active #red